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About Biotheric Energy Medicine

In just a few short years ago scientists developed a new way to unlock hotel/motel room doors without using expensive keys. Now, by taking a small credit card sized piece of plastic, the hotel front desk can encode signals that can unlock a specific guest room door. The little strip on the back of the card can hold thousands of bits of information, just like your credit cards.

Listen here to an interview of Dr. Gary Kersey discussing Biotheric(TM) Technology

Quantum Care R & D, LLC has been successful in encoding specific energy signals into what are called Biotheric Energy Discs.

Like key cards, these discs can hold thousands of bits of information. These energy encoded discs can then be used in many ways. They can be used as energy filters when used in conjunction with the Quantum Energy Device, that can be used to imprint water when an oral formulation is needed, and they can even be carried in one’s pocket or worn as a necklace in some situations.

In traditional anatomy books the chapters are usually organized around different systems of the body. There will be a chapter on the anatomy of the skin, muscles, bones, liver, spleen, brain, etc. There are usually always pictures in each chapter. Sometimes these pictures are diagrams or computer drawings. Other times, actual photos of various body structures will be used.

For example, one can see a diagram of where the gallbladder is in relation to the liver. It’s usually drawn as an elongated, greenish, balloon-like structure under and behind the liver. If one were to observe an actual surgery that involved the opening of the upper abdomen, the surgeon could pull back the liver and you would notice that the gallbladder looks a lot like the photos or pictures in the anatomy text book.

This all makes our 3-D “left brain” very happy. It was told what the gallbladder is, where one can find one in the human body…even the general color, size and shape. Then, upon actual physical inspection, you find that the pictures or photos were quite accurate. Except for a rare congenital defect, everyone has a gallbladder, and it is usually in the exact same place and they all have the same function. If you don’t believe me, you can always have someone check it out for you.

But guess what, we also all have a field of energy around our entire body. It is sometimes called an aura and is usually invisible to most of us. It’s a lot like the wind: no one has ever seen the wind…we just see things that move when acted upon by the wind. And most will never see their own aura or biofield around their body…they will just feel its presence. We can many times feel the biofield as we are “acted upon” by this energy, much the same way a leaf will feel acted upon when the wind blows.

This biofield not only surrounds our entire body, it surrounds every structure with in the body, for example, the gallbladder. Unless the surgeon that we alluded to early had special gifts of some kind, they would only see your “physical” gallbladder, not the biotheric field AROUND the gallbladder. You can find out more about this by researching Kirlian Photography, discovered in 1939.

When one is discussing energy fields, it might be helpful to know that there are two types: putative and veritable energy fields. Both of these types of energy profoundly affect the electromagnetic fields that surround our body. Veritable energy fields can be easily measured. This type of energy includes such energy healing modalities such as magnetic healing, sound healing, and healing with light and lasers. Obviously, we can see and hear many kinds of sounds and colors, and these frequencies can be easily measured by inexpensive laboratory devices. One can also measure most magnetic fields quite easily with very simple instruments.

Putative energies include energies that cannot be easily measured in a laboratory and are very subtle in nature. Subtle, but very powerful, as, all 100 trillion cells of our body use subtle energy, as does our D.N.A. However, they CAN be measured. The instrumentation used for research in this field is very sensitive, very expensive (usually), and much of the research is done overseas.

One of many instruments used is the superconducting quantum interference device (S.Q.U.I.D.) An excellent book on this subject is called: Measuring the Immeasurable, The Scientific Case for Spirituality, with several excellent contributing authors, such as, Bruce Lipton, Candace Pert, Lynne McTaggart, Gregg Braden, and Larry Dossey.

It’s not uncommon to read in the main-stream-literature that subtle energy medicine is quackery.

We heard for years that acupuncture, a type of energy medicine was quackery, and today it’s one of the top 3 modalities in the Complementary and Alternative Medicine system in the United States. Most of the 125 medical schools in the country require some kind of complementary and alternative medicine coursework. Not all, but most human beings tend to fear that which they don’t understand, can’t touch, can’t hear, or can’t feel with the normal senses. Reminds me of the poor folks in Plato’s cave; they believe knowledge comes from what we see and hear in the world, i.e. empirical evidence. They are, in actuality, trapped in a ‘cave’ of misunderstanding. Have you taken your blue pill for the day?

I always like to remind the reader that, at one time, doctors were called quacks who believed in the existence of bacteria. All that changed with the invention of the microscope. “If I caint see it, it ain’t real!” (Author unknown)

In the realm of putative healing energies we are also talking about Reiki, Pranic healing, Therapeutic Touch, Qi Gong, crystal healing, and Prayer (there are many, many more examples) Very well-known physicians have recently commented on this amazing field of medicine:

Stanford Professor Emeritus William A. Tiller says: “Future medicine will be based on controlling energy in the body.”

Norm Shealy says: “The future of medicine will be Energy Medicine.”

Dr. Oz says: “The next big frontier in medicine is Energy Medicine.”

Albert Einstein has said, “All matter is energy.”

And I love this quote: “In a few decades scientists have gone from a conviction that there is no such thing as an energy field around the human body, to an absolute certainty that it exists.” – James Oschman, Ph.D.

So in summary, energy medicine basically deals with the unseen part of us. In energy medicine, there are no claims or promises … only experiences. The goal is never to change, alter, or accomplish anything on the material plane. The entire focus is on the biofield of the body.

Everyone’s experience may be the same, or everyone’s experience may all be different. It really doesn’t matter. It simply, for a brief moment, interfaces with the world of Spirit. And that is exactly where we can take it, or leave it. Dr. Gary Kersey ©2020

Free Energy Medicine Consultation: Call or text 407-383-5919

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