Alternative Medicine and Healthy Water Imprinting Systems

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The Science of Imprint Technology: A Promise For A Better World

I can’t tell you how many books have been written and seminars conducted on the topic of thinking outside the box. Since creativity can many times be translated into millions of dollars, corporations encourage their employees in charge of research and development to think outside of the box. Where would Apple, Facebook, or Amazon be without creativity. Unfortunately, scientists many times have trouble doing this. They can plod along at a snail’s pace, painstakingly moving from point “A” to point “B”, to point “C”, on their way to point “Z”, with large smiles on their faces, apparently enjoying the process I suppose. And if someone were to suggest that it just might be possible to go from point “A” to point “Z”…well, forget it. You’ll be branded as some kind of unscientific heretic!

Now let’s talk about water. Surely, scientists know everything there is to know about water, right? It’s a solvent, it sustains life, it can exist as a solid, liquid and gas, and it is made up of molecules consisting of hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms. But do scientists believe that water has memory? Well, they didn’t use to, but most are rapidly changing their minds.

Unfortunately, some scientists choose to conduct business inside that proverbial box we mentioned earlier. Many have tried to get the scientists attention, but all their pleading fell on deaf ears. For many years the mainstream scientific community has not had instrumentation sophisticated enough to prove that water has memory. Keep in mind, it was scientists who didn’t believe in bacteria until the microscope was invented. They didn’t believe in viruses until the electron microscope was invented. Therefore, they have always taken the stand that it isn’t real. Meanwhile, the people’s suffering has continued and the world has continued to be cheated out of what many prominent researches are saying is perhaps one of the greatest discoveries that man has ever made. The repercussions are staggering. When the negativity and egotistical bickering finally abates, the world will be changed forever.


No question, chemistry is important. We are all better off because of the wonderful discoveries of chemistry. But water memory can only be understood by physics. At the risk of oversimplification, here is the major issue (or at least one of them.) Water, or good old H2O is made of molecules made up of hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms. For every oxygen atom there are two hydrogen atoms attached. These molecules are capable of bumping into each other and forming clusters, or brand new structures (with various shapes and sizes.)

Chemists and even old-school physicists say that this happens, but they say these structures do not last. Finally, research tools have now reached a level of sophistication necessary to prove once and for all …molecules can indeed create permanent structures. Not only does this prove how homeopathic medicines work, but further, it opens the door to a powerful, new science that has the potential of transforming the world. And this is exactly where Quantum Care R & D steps onto the world stage. Thanks to a lot of hard work and some “higher guidance” along the way, Quantum Care R & D has developed a technology that is like none other. One of the latest innovations is Biotheric Energy Discs. This discs are electronically enhanced with a state-of-the-art proprietary system that encodes specific harmonics that will activate and assist the body’s own inherent self-healing mechanisms by acting as an energetic template, which the body can read.

Discs can be worn, used with meditation, or used to imprint water, thereby creating a unique energy balancing signature. To date there are over 300 Biotheric Discs available.

It’s been found that for any part of the body to be restored, there must be several coherent connections between the brain, the conscious and subconscious mind, and the nervous system. If this communication pathway becomes blocked or impeded for any reason, the body may not actually take the necessary steps to heal itself. It either does not know there is a problem, or, it can’t get the job done due to the communication issues alluded to above. We’ve all experienced this, by the way. We’ve either had an injury that did not heal to its full 100% level, or, we know people who have developed some kind of infirmity that has been around for many years. The human body is absolutely a self-healing mechanism…no question about it. So why does the body start to heal something, then just stop?

And how about this question…scientists tell us that every 7 years you have a brand new body…every cell (with a few exceptions) have be replaced. They even tell us we get a brand new stomach lining every 5 days. So how could anyone have stomach ulcers for longer than 5 days? How could anyone have ANY disease past the 7 year mark?

As we’ve mentioned earlier, the body knows how to heal everything and will, unless there is an issue with cellular communication. Every time you take a dose of a Biotheric Energy Formula that you’ve made with your Biotheric Discs, depending upon what the product was designed to do, it’s like you are holding up a little sign that says, “Hey body…I couldn’t help but notice that you are doing this…. (fill in this blank with any number of health issues)…..but you could be doing this (getting well, healing, etc.). The body can actually “read” the Biotheric Energy Formula and then, eventually, (sometimes instantly, sometimes a few weeks later) restore the deranged energy field around the organ or tissue into a healthy balanced state. All healing is always done BY the body…the Biotheric Energy Formula is merely a tiny, little whisper in the body’s ear.

Have you ever heard the phrase, “whispering loudly”? How about the phrase, “God’s small voice”? This concept has been around since the beginning of time and I would like to explore this concept a little further. It all revolves around the concept of “big is not better”.

For 43 years Edgar Cayce would lay down one or more times a day and take a nap. When Edgar would wake up, in his head was information that had just somehow “dropped in”. He would then give his client not only a diagnosis of their illness at near 100% accuracy, but he would give the solution to the problem. People came from all over the world to see him with everything from minor complaints to life-threatening diseases. He worked with kings, queens, high-ranking generals, even a few presidents and senators. He even predicted his own death. On Jan. 1st he said he’d be buried in 4 days. He died of a stroke on Jan. 3rd, 1945.

You may not have heard of Srinivasa Ramanujan. He was a brilliant mathematician from India. A very prominent English mathematician G.H.Hardy recognized his genius and invited him to Cambridge University in England to study. There, Ramanujan published over 30 papers and was inducted into the Royal Society. On his death bed he wrote down some mathematical functions that came to him in a dream. Now, 100 years later, researchers have just now figured out what he was talking about and have proved his equations were correct. Mathematicians have said that he was decades ahead of his time and they have no idea how he came up with these equations, which are now used by physicists to help explain how the universe works.

Where did this information come from: the information that came to Edgar Cayce and Srinivasa Ramanujan? Even though they were definitely brilliant men, especially Ramanujan, did they really use their left-brain thinking capacity to do all these amazing things?

Many years ago physicians began discovering that electricity could be used to help the body heal. The amount of current that used to be used was measured in milliamps. In other words, thousandths of an amp. Many years later, Dr. Wing discovered the power of microamps. The instruments he invented are still in use today by physical therapists, and acupuncturists all over the world. This modality is generically referred to as micro-current therapy. Apparently, the healing results were much more powerful when millionths of an amp were used in treating the human body. We now know that all the cells of your body actually communicate using an electrical current that is measured in billionths of an amp and even smaller. I’ll cover this a little later. When too much power is used, the body, instead of accepting the current tends to reject it.

Let’s think about meditation for a moment. Of the many benefits of meditation, one of the most important is the ability to receive clear information about what is going on in your life.

As we all know, everyone has made poor choices in their lives. This is really just part of being human. However, your “inner knower” never makes mistakes. Everyone has many names for this inner knower…that small still voice that is within us all. Some names are: the subconscious mind, God, Source, Higher Self, guardian angel, spirit guide, etc. So whether this wonderful asset is inside us, outside of us, or both, the question one may ask is…if we all have access to this all-knowing, all-seeing oracle, why do so many people make poor choices. There are probably many correct answers, but one of the main reasons is that it isn’t always easy to hear the information that comes in. it’s not like God sends you an email, or that your Higher Self calls your cell phone to give you some guidance on a particular topic.

If you ask someone how meditation works, they will tell you that by becoming perfectly still and quiet, the mind-chatter subsides and they can then hear that little voice that is all-knowing and that has many names, as we mentioned earlier.

Now earlier I did mention that even though we all have that “inner knower” within us all, most people will make poor choices every now and then. One problem is that most people don’t meditate. Even though this definitely is a problem, it is by no means the only reason we have communication issues as I like to refer to them. Remember, I mentioned earlier that cellular communication is one of the major reasons we don’t heal.

One of the really huge reasons, and I think maybe the biggest reason we don’t heal is that, due to several factors which I’m going to explain in a moment…it’s not that we don’t take the time to listen, it’s because we CAN’T hear. And the reason for this is almost always due to an energy-based blockage which I call an ANTI-PATTERN.

You see, the dictionary describes the word abundance as, “an ample amount”. From a human standpoint most look at abundance as a state of having an ample amount of money, good health, rewarding relationships, and a spiritual state of happiness, bliss, serenity, etc. I like to look at it this way: way up above our heads is a giant faucet which delivers abundance in all its forms to us on a continual basis. And even though it seems like there are days when that faucet is wide open and other days when the faucet is closed down to just a tiny trickle, in reality, that faucet is always wide open…for everyone…always!

But, as one of my favorite radio personalities, Paul Harvey use to say every day when he’d give his radio spot called, “And now, for the rest of the story”…..there is a little more to this faucet metaphor. Fortunately, or unfortunately, there is a second faucet. This second faucet is hooked up in line with the first faucet that controls the flow of abundance to each and every one of us. And this faucet is only rarely in the fully open position. In fact, for most people this faucet is almost closed off completely.

And take a wild guess who controls this faucet? That’s right….you do. And because of how we have chosen to interact in this 3-D world, when something isn’t going right for us, for example, career issues, money issues, work issues, health issues, relationship issues, etc., it looks EXACTLY like something needs to be changed or addressed EXTERNALLY: it appears like it’s the government’s fault, our spouse’s fault, a relative or friend’s fault, our boss’s fault, our neighbor’s fault, etc. It looks real, feels real, sounds real, tastes real, and smells real….but it’s not.

I believe that we all, like Edgar Cayce have an “inner knower”, a friend that can give us guidance, but we have trouble hearing because the communication pathways are blocked by anti-patterns. Anti-patterns exist in a non-conscious realm. They can be negative emotions, they can be a limiting belief, they can be a part of you that is sometimes referred to as your Ego. Whatever name you use, these anti-patterns will make your life miserable.

These anti-patters can be eliminated by many methods and techniques, but it isn’t always easy. These energetic patterns operate on a level that is usually totally beyond your awareness. They may have been with you for months, even years and may have been installed or created as early as in the womb, or even before in many cases.

So as you see now, you have basically four things to consider:

  • 1st you need to educate yourself and come to an understanding that these anti-patterns are quite real and need to be addressed if you want to enjoy abundance on any meaningful level in your life.
  • 2nd you need to understand that you cannot and will not EVER “figure this all out” by using the thinking portion of your brain, the so-called analytical left brain. I don’t care if you have an I.Q. that rivals Einstein’s and you read 25 self-help books a week, it won’t work.
  • 3rd Anti-patterns exist in areas of your body that are “beyond your awareness”, not only the unconscious mind, but much more importantly, in the vast, multi-layered energy field that surrounds your body, sometimes referred to as your biofield, or information field.
  • 4th Due to several mechanisms which are beyond the scope of this paper, in order to eliminate anti-patterns, an energetic equivalent must be used. In other words, they need to be erased using technology that, like them, are “beyond your awareness”, in order to prevent self-sabotage, which is always a present reality.

Sometimes the tape recorder analogy is helpful. A tape recorder has a little piece of electronics that can read electromagnetic imprints (tape recorder language) based on the particular patterns of metal particles (iron oxide) that have been glued to a thin piece of plastic tape. When you speak information into the microphone these iron oxide crystals somehow arrange themselves in certain configurations and then this is stored on the tape in the form of energy, if you will. When that tape is “presented” to another little electronic gizmo, it converts that magnetic pattern back into words that you can hear.

The tape becomes a template that can be read by the tape recorder, just like me holding up a road sign or “template” along the side of the road that you can read as you drive by. After going through a rather lengthy research and development period, a specific formula (road sign) is downloaded (imprinted) into water. Since water has memory, that information will not leave that water until it is taken in and “read” by the body. Through repetition, the body eventually initiates a healing response, once it understands and accepts the information presented to it that’s been imprinted into the water.

Biotheric Discs and Transmitters can be used to imprint and download into water, chakras and body energy fields.

Dr. Gary Kersey ©2012